Professor Dr. Meer Monjur Mahmood

Executive Director & Trustee
Center for Alternative Development Trust- CADT
Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: +8801716 529735
Dr. Meer Monjur Mahmood

Professor Dr. Meer Monjur Mahmood

Executive Director & Trustee
Center for Alternative Development Trust- CADT
Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: +8801716 529735

Interested in Research
•  Family and Moral Values
•  Intra and Interfaith Mediation and Human Rights
•  Civic and Youth Engagement
•  Countering/Preventing Violent Extremism (C/PVE) and Social Cohesion
•  Strategic Planning and Policy Advocacy
•  Capacity and Network Building

Professor Dr. Meer Monjur Mahmood was educated at Islamic University Kushtia, Bangladesh where he was awarded his Bachelor, MA and PhD in the department of Al-Quran & Islamic Studies. He began his working career as Assistant Director at the Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (IFB), the largest public bodies in the Muslim world in 1994. He served for more than 2 decades in South-east University, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) and Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) as faculty member of Islamic Studies. He is the Founder Trustee and Executive Director of Center for Alternative Development Trust (CADT).

He has been the Life Member of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), Bangladesh chapter of USA based premier international organization- IIIT; an Executive Member of the Asian Philosophical Association, ICAPA, Turkey and a Coordinator of Bangladesh Chapter, Diploma of Islamic Da’wah and Leadership Training Program, Leadership Universal College, Brisbane, Australia. Currently, he is the adjunct faculty of Manarat International University (MIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He has published 10 books and 150 more articles in various professional journals, periodicals, magazines and national dailies. He is interested in promoting family & moral Values, intra- & Inter-faith mediation & human rights, civic & youth engagement, countering/preventing violent extremism (C/PVE) & social cohesion, strategic planning & policy advocacy and capacity and network building. Dr. Mahmood’s spontaneous presence in national and international level TV channels and digital outlets on regularly basis is very popular to the audiences.

Professor (Adjunct), Department of Islamic Studies, Manarat International University (MIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh (

Executive Director & Trustee, Center for Alternative Development Trust, Dhaka, Bangladesh (

Coordinator, Diploma of Islamic Da’wah and Leadership Training Program, Leadership Universal College, Brisbane, Australia, Bangladesh Chapter

Executive Member, The Asian Philosophical Association, ICAPA, Turkey ( 391003234391813/)

Life Member, Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought, International Institute of Islamic Thought, USA, Bangladesh chapter

Discussant, National level TV channels and Digital Outlets in Bangladesh (ntv, Jamuna TV, Channel 24, BTV, Bangla Vision, ATN News, Nexus TV, Channel 9, SATV, Pan Vision, Kids Creation, Dawah TV, Universal Vision, Islamic TV USA etc.)

Executive Director, Center for Alternative Development Trust, Dhaka, Bangladesh (, 2020 to till date.

Deputy Registrar, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh, Sept-2004 to 2014.

Associate Professor (Adjunct), South-east University, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) and Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB), leading private universities in Bangladesh, September 2005 to September 2011.

Assistant Director, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, a leading autonomous organization to disseminate Islamic ideals & values and carry out Islamic activities in Bangladesh, August 1994 to August 2004.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies, Islamic University Kushtia, Dissertation: আর্থ-সামাজিক ক্ষেত্রে শিরকের কুফল: একটি পর্যালোচনা (Socio-economic Impact of Shirk: An Analytical Study)


Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil), Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies, Islamic University Kushtia, Dissertation: বাংলাদেশের আর্থ-সামাজিক উন্নয়নে ঈমামদের ভূমিকা (The Role of Imam in the Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh)


Masters of Theology and Islamic Studies, Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies, Islamic University Kushtia


Bachelor of Theology and Islamic Studies (BA-Honors), Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies, Islamic University Kushtia


Alim (Equivalent to Higher Secondary Certificate), Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka


Dakhil (Equivalent to Secondary School Certificate), Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka

Mahmood, M. M. (2024). জীবন কথা: ব্যক্তি থেকে পরিবার (Jeebon Katha: From Individual to Family), Dhaka: Flora Publication.

Mahmood, M. M. (2024). ঐক্য ভাবনা (Thoughts on Unity), Dhaka: Wisdom21.

Mahmood, M. M. (2023). কাবাযাত্রীর অসিয়ত ও নসিহত (Bequests and Admonitions of Kaaba Travelers), Dhaka: Riddho Prokashon.

Mahmood, M. M., Karim, M. E. and Aftabuzzaman, M. (2022). ছোটদের ইসলাম শিক্ষা, তৃতীয় সংস্করণ (Islamic Studies for Kids-3rd Ed.), Dhaka: Principal Publishers Ltd.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020). অনুভবে রমাদান (Ramadan in Feeling), Dhaka: Darul Hikmah Publications Ltd.

Mahmood, M. M., Karim, M. E. and Aftabuzzaman, M. (2015). Islamic Studies for Kids (Part-2), Dhaka: Nodi Bangal Group of Companies Ltd.

Mahmood, M. M., Karim, M. E. and Aftabuzzaman, M. (2014). Islamic Studies for Kids (Part-1), Dhaka: Nodi Bengal Group of Companies Ltd.

Ali, M. Y., Mahmood, M. M. and Hossain, M. A. (2014). Family Institution Social Welfare and Welfare Society: Conventional and Islamic Approach, Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT).

Mahmood, M. M. (2004). বাংলাদেশের আর্থ-সামাজিক উন্নয়ন ও ঈমাম (Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh & Imam), Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (IFB).

Mahmood, M. M.  শিরকের আর্থ-সামাজিক কুফল (Socio-economic Consequences of Shirk), Dhaka.

  • প্যারেন্টিং: স্বপ্নময় জীবনের সন্ধানে (Parenting: Towards a Dreamy Life)

  • শিরক ও বিদ’আত: উৎপত্তি ও বিকাশ (Shirk and Bid’at: Origin and Development)

  • বাংলাদেশে খানকাহ ও মাযারের ইতিবৃত্ত (History of Khanqahs and Tombs in Bangladesh)

  • শিরকের আর্থ-সামাজিক কুফল (Socio-economic Impact of Shirk)

  • বাংলাদেশ প্রেক্ষাপট শিক্ষাদর্শন (Philosophy of Education in Context Bangladesh)

  • আল কুরআন ও সমাজ ভাবনা (Al Quran and Society)

  • ইসলাম ও সমকালীন বিশ্ব (Islam and Contemporary World)

  • চির আধুনিক যে জীবন (The Life which is Ever Modern)

  • Islam & Contemporary Thought

Mahmood, M. M. (2018). ড. আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর রহ. ও তাঁর ফিকহী রচনাবলি: একটি পদ্ধতিগত বিশ্লেষণ (Dr. Abdullah Jahangir Rh. and His Fiqhi Literature: A Methodological Analysis), Islami Ain O Bichar, 14(54): 61-91. Available at:

Mahmood, M. M. (2017). Necessary Concerns regarding Minority People in Bangladesh, International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, 10(1): 81-88. Available at:

Mahmood, M. M. (2016). How We Can Strengthen Our Family Bonds: The Bangladesh Perspective, International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, 9(2): 313-322. Available at:

Mahmood, M. M. (2011). পরিবার ও সমাজে নারী পুরুষের দায়িত্ব-কর্তব্য: ইসলামি দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি (Duties and Responsibilities of Men and Women in Family and Society: Islamic View), Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 7(10): 109-121.

Mahmood, M. M. (2009). মানবকল্যাণ ও ইসলাম: একটি পর্যালোচনা (Human Well-being and Islam: An Analysis), Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 5(7): 107-124.

Mahmood, M. M. (2009). Education and Islamic Character: A study, In Heriyanto, H. (Eds.), Epistemology and Methodology for a New Paradigm of Human Sciences in Islamic Perspectiveselected papers from the 2nd International Conference—Thoughts on Human Sciences in Islam (ic-Thusi), 18-19 November, 2015, ISBN: 978-602-9261-58-5, Jakarta: Sadra Press.

Mahmood, M. M. (2002). ইমাম: সমাজ গঠনে ভূমিকা (Imam: Their Role in Shaping Society), Islamic Foundation Research Journal, 41(3): 95-106.

Mahmood, M. M. (2005). শিরক: মানব সমাজে এর সংক্রমণ ও প্রসারের কারণ (Shirk: Causes of Its Transition and Spread in Human Society), Islamic Foundation Research Journal, 44(3): 223-234.

Mahmood, M. M. (1999). মুসলিম সমাজে মসজিদ: পর্যালোচনা (Mosque in Muslim Society: An Analysis), Islamic Foundation Research Journal, 39(2): 145-155.

Mahmood, M. M.: Education and World Unity, Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, Istanbul, Turkey.

Mahmood, M. M.: নামায: ব্যক্তি ও সমাজ জীবনে এর প্রভাব (Salat: Its Role in the Personal and Societal Life), Islamic University Journal, Kushtia.

Mahmood, M. M. : সমকালিন শিক্ষা ভাবনা: প্রেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ (Contemporary Thoughts on Education: Bangladesh Perspective), Peace Land Journal, Dhaka.

Mahmood, M. M. : ইহরামের শিক্ষা (Teaching of Ihram), Prekkhon Shahitto Troimashik, Dhaka.

Mahmood, M. M. (2016). Five Pillars of Prosperity: Essential of Faith-Based Wealth Building, M. Yaqub Mirza, (In English), Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 12(17 & 18): 169-171.

Mahmood, M. M. (2015). ইসলামি শরিয়াহ: লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য-প্রথম খণ্ড, (Al-Maqasid Al-Ammah Lish Shariatil Islamiah-Part 1), Dr. Yusuf Hamid Al-Alim, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 11(15): 77-78.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014). Ethics and Fiqh for Everyday Life: An Islamic PerspectiveMunawar Haque, Naamane Djeghim, Fatmir Mehdi Shehu & Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 10(13): 137-139.

Mahmood, M. M. (2013). Women in Shariah, Abdur Rahman I. Doi, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 9(12): 185-186.

Mahmood, M. M. (2012). On the Origins of Human Society, Malik Bennabi, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 8(11): 115-116.

Mahmood, M. M. (2010). Truth and Reform: Exploring the Patterns and Dynamics of Historical Change, Louay M. Safi, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 6(8): 152-154.

Mahmood, M. M. : ইসলামী জীবন বিধান (Islami Jibon Bidhan), Syed Abul Hassan Ali Nadavi.

Mahmood, M. M. (2023). রাতেরও একটি সীমানা আছে (Night has Its Limit too), Monthly Tanzimul Ummah, 21(4): 11.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 January). সুনাগরিক গঠনে শিক্ষা (Education for Good Citizens), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(2): 21-23.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 March). এক স্বপ্নীল জীবনের সন্ধানে- ১ম পর্ব (In Search of a Dreamy Life-Part-1), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(4): 18.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 June). এক স্বপ্নীল জীবনের সন্ধানে-২য় পর্ব (In Search of a Dreamy Life -Part-2), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(5): 6-7.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 July). ইসলামে বিশ্বাস ও কর্ম (Faith and Activity in Islam), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(6): 19-20.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 August). আমাদের ঐক্যের সঙ্কট ও নিরসনের উপায় (The Crisis of Our Unity and Its Solution), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(7): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 September). পরিবর্তিত পৃথিবী ও ঈমানের দাবি- ১ম পর্ব (The Changing World and the Demands of Iman-Part-1), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(8): 15-18.

Mahmood, M. M. (2020 October). পরিবর্তিত পৃথিবী ও ঈমানের দাবি- ২য় পর্ব (The Changing World and the Demands of Iman-Part-2), Monthly Jiggasha, 15(9): 3-7.

Mahmood, M. M. (2019 April). বদলে যাওয়ার চিন্তা যেন স্বার্থক হয় (Let the Thought of Change be Worthwhile), Monthly Jiggasha, 14(5): 15-18.

Mahmood, M. M. (2019 August). ঈদ-উল-আযহা (Eid-ul-Adha), Monthly Jiggasha, 14(9): 3-6.

Mahmood, M. M. (2018 May). রমাদান পরিকল্পনা ও প্রস্তুতি (Ramadan Planning and Prepration), Monthly Jiggasha, 13(6): 3-10.

Mahmood, M. M. (2018 December). মহান বিজয় দিবসের ভাবনা (Thoughts on Great Victory Day), Monthly Jiggasha, 14(1): 3-4.

Mahmood, M. M. (2016 May). রমাদানকে স্বাগত জানাব কিভাবে? (How will We Welcome Ramadan?), Monthly Jiggasha, 11(6): 9-11.

Mahmood, M. M. (2016 June). চলে গেলেন এক আলোর দিশারী (Past Away a Lighthouse), Monthly Jiggasha, 11(7): 13-14.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 January). ইসলাম ও মুসলিম কারো প্রতিপক্ষ নয় (Islam and Muslim are Not against Anyone), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(2): 9-11.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 February). মানব জীবন (Human Life), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(3): 9-11.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 April). ঐক্য যখন অপরিহার্য (When Unit is Obligatory), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(5): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 May). মুসলিম সমাজে মসজিদ (Mosque in Muslim Society), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(6): 7-9.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 June). কুরআন ও তার উপাদান (Al Quran and Its Elements), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(7): 7-8.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 July). মাহে রমাদানে করণীয় (Duties in Holly Ramadan), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(8): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 August). ঈদ-উল-ফিতর (Edi-ul-Fitre), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(9): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 September). পরিবার ও পারিবারিক জীবন (Family and Familial Fife), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(10): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 October). কুরবানী (The Qurbani), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(11): 7-9.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 November). হজ ও কুরবানী শেষে (At the End of Hajj and Qurbani), Monthly Jiggasha, 9(12): 9-11.

Mahmood, M. M. (2014 December). মহান বিজয় দিবসের ভাবনা (Thoughts on Great Victory Day), Monthly Jiggasha, 10(1): 3-4.

Mahmood, M. M. (2012 February). রাসূলুল্লাহ সা.-এর পরিবার ও পারিবারিক নির্দেশনা (Family and Familial Life of Prophet SAW), Monthly Jiggasha, 7(3): 3-7.

Mahmood, M. M. (2012 August). ঈদ-উল-ফিতর (Edi-ul-Fitre), Monthly Jiggasha, 7(7): 3-6.

Mahmood, M. M. (2011 March). মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবসের ভাবনা (Thoughts on Great Independence Day), Monthly Jiggasha, 6(4): 3-6.

Mahmood, M. M. (2011 May). আন্তর্জাতিক পরিবার দিবসের ভাবনা (Thoughts on International Day of Family), Monthly Jiggasha, 6(6): 11-15.

Mahmood, M. M. (2011 September). ঈদ-উল-ফিতর (Edi-ul-Fitre), Monthly Jiggasha, 6(10): 3-5.

Mahmood, M. M. (2011 December). বিশ্ব এইডস দিবসের ভাবনা (Thoughts on International HIV/AIDS Day), Monthly Jiggasha, 7(1): 14-17.

Mahmood, M. M. (2010 May). ইসলামে মালিক-শ্রমিক সম্পর্ক (Owner-Labor Relationship in Islam), Monthly Jiggasha, 5(6): 6-9.

Mahmood, M. M. (2010 November). ঈদ-উল-আযহা (Edi-ul-Adha), Monthly Jiggasha, 5(12): 3-6.

Other Publications: More than 150 articles on Family, Society, Socio-religious aspects, and contemporary issues have been published in different magazines and national dailies of Bangladesh (in English & Bengali).

International Conference ‘Living in Peace and Harmony: The Risale-i Nur Perspective’ University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5-6 February 2018 (Presented Paper titled “Preserving the Human Rights of Minority: A Study”).

International Seminar paper on ‘Necessary Concerns regarding Minority People in Bangladesh’, Center for Pesantren Studies, Cikopo Hotel, Bogor, Indonesia, 2017.

International Conference on ‘Thoughts on Human Sciences in Islam (ic-Thusi)’, Jakarta, Indonesia, 18-19 November 2015 (Presented Paper titled “Education and Islamic Character: A study”).

International Conference on ‘Masjid, Zakat and Waqf 2015 (I-MAF2015)’ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1– 2 December 2015 (Presented Paper titled “Application of Islamic Law for Ensuring Social Security: A Short Analysis”).

13th Asian Business Research Conference, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26-27 December 2015 (Presented Paper titled “Classical Forms of Investment of Awqaf: A Juristic Analysis”).

Why the Family institution of Bangladesh is in threat: A short discussion, accepted by TASAM, Istanbul, Turkey.

Actively participated in more than 30 national and international conferences, dialogues, and workshops on education, curriculum, textbook writings, and religious and socio-religious aspects organized by various organizations.

Australia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Iran, (to attend conferences, visit various Higher Educational, Research, and Social-Welfare Institutes), Saudi Arabia and Nepal.

Bangla, English, Arabic: Fluent in Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Conversant with MS Office and Windows Operating System.

Contact Info



Dr. Meer Monjur Mahmood
Professor of Islamic Studies (Adjunct)
Manarat International University (MIU)


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